Monday, 22 January 2018

How to Get Rid Of Tooth Sensitivity?

It’s quite irritating to have sharp pain rising in the tooth after you take a sip of your favorite drink. What does that mean? Thinking about saying goodbye to the drink should be the least of your concern. What you are really worried about here is the pain which is making you jump with the discomfort. It’s the tooth sensitivity which is causing real problems at the moment.

There can be a number of reasons for the tooth sensitivity including receding gums, teeth whitening or tooth decay. And, there are a number of ways it can be treated.

Pick the right toothpaste
When it comes to getting rid of tooth sensitivity, picking right toothpaste is the first and foremost thing to be taken into consideration. There are many brands which offer toothpaste for sensitive teeth, but you need to go for the one which suits you well. For that purpose, you can discuss with your dentist in order to have information about the types of ingredients your selected toothpaste must have. Among other ingredients, potassium nitrate is the one which specifically targets tooth sensitivity.

Change the toothbrush regularly
After the use of a toothbrush for a specific duration, its bristles start to wear out. This is when you need to change your toothbrush. While picking the toothbrush, make sure that you are getting one with soft bristles. Avoid aggressive brushing. It doesn’t clean the teeth. In fact, harsh brushing can result in tooth enamel damage which can lead to tooth decay and cavities, making the sensitive problem even worse.

Acidic foods and drinks should be avoided
Acidic foods and drinks can lead to the dissolving of tooth enamel. When it happens, the next thing is the tooth sensitivity. Although it’s the common recommendation by dentist to avoid acidic foods entirely, the difficulty in giving up these taste buds-serving habits is quite understandable. Therefore, you should try to reduce the consumption of such foods and switch to the ones which can actually be helpful in your oral and overall health. After the consumption of acidic foods and drinks, you can drink a glass of milk to trigger recovery.

Mouth guard
If you are in a habit of grinding your teeth, you need to stop it as soon as you can. While this habit is uncontrollable most of the times, there are some options that you can consider to stay safe. One of such options is the use of mouth guard. You can get a night guard if you have the habit of grinding your teeth during night sleep.

Visit the dentist
No matter how worsened the problem is, visiting your dentist can always help you in getting rid of the situation. If you are finding it hard to get rid of the tooth sensitivity, your dentist can give you better advice or treatment.

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